HOMEResource CentreTip SheetsCategory Tip SheetsSetting goals and staying motivated

Setting goals and staying motivated

The making of resolutions is a time-honoured part of welcoming in the New Year.

Whether we plan to improve our health and wellbeing through resolutions such as exercising, sticking to budgets, or spending more time with family and friends -they’re all great for our mental health.

However, studies suggest that less than 25% of people stay committed to resolutions after 30 days, and only 8% of people actually accomplish them.

That is why it’s key to set realistic goals that keep you motivated to make positive changes in your life, not only for a month but for the entire year.

25 per cent 25% of people stay committed to resolutions after 30 days.
85 per cent 8% of people accomplish their resolutions.

“By taking time to think about our approach and act on our plan, we are more likely to succeed, and for our achievements to be sustainable.”

(Latham & Locke, 1991)

Tips to stay motivated and achieve your goals


Know why you want to achieve your goal

Ask yourself – why do you want to achieve this goal? What impact will it have on your life? Understanding this will help you stay motivated until you reach success.


Identify the barriers to achieving your goal

It’s important to take time to reflect on what might stop us from achieving our goal, so we can put strategies in place to figure out how to work within what is possible. For example, if you have small children, is it going to be easy to get to the gym every day? If not, you should revaluate and be objective about you can achieve.


Measure and track your progress

When setting your goal, think about how you will measure progress. It’s important to not only think about the end-sate, but also how you intend on reaching it.


Don’t dwell on the missteps

It’s important to remember that it’s okay if you miss or are unable to reach a small part of your goal. It’s not a sign of failure, but a sign of being human and a sign of life.


Celebrate success

For each milestone, as well as each major achievement, take a moment to celebrate. A quick coffee with your team, a reward worth working towards or a treat with a friend, sparks the joy and excitement that drives us to further success.


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